It's been a busy week, so I didn't have much time to sew. Quilters Janet and Ellie came over for lunch on Wednesday. We had a great time laughing and eating the delicious blueberry pie that Ellie baked.
After lunch, Janet and I needed to make our Artist Trading Cards for the guild swap that night. I turned on my trusty little blue iron, but he didn't heat up. Oh, the horror! I've had this iron since I started college. He became the designated quilting/crafting iron many years ago and has survived being dropped countless times. I guess it was just too much for him. Bill offered to try to fix him, but I think its' time to let him go. Rest in Peace, my little friend.

Here's my ATC for the March swap theme of Movement or Texture. I printed the hula dancer on regular paper, sewed a piece of vinyl on top and poured in some tiny hole-less glass beads.

Thursday night was a Girl Scout leader meeting. Then Friday night we went to a Providence Bruins game. The school pep band that Pete plays in performed during the intermissions between periods, when the pee-wee hockey teams come out to play.

That's Pete on the drum set in the blue cap. I need a new camera if I ever hope to get a good picture of him drumming! As the drummer's family, it was our responsibility to lug the drums. Not fun, but it was worth it. The band was awesome and sounded like a college pep band. Pete rocks on
Wipe Out!

Oh, yeah. There was a hockey game, too. The P Bruins beat the Portland Pirates, 4-3.

We had a fun day yesterday. I took the teenagers to the batting cages to get ready for try-outs next week. Julia and her friend Jess were in the softball cage on the right, and Pete and Julia's boyfriend Josh were in the baseball cage on the left. This session confirmed for Julia that she doesn't like fast pitch, and she'll stick with the slow pitch recreational league.

I had some errands to do, and the teenagers had a blast in the dollar store. They had a silly string war when we got home.

zeppole season in Rhode Island! Zeppole is an Italian pastry associated with the feast of Saint Joseph on March 19. I'm as Italian as an American can get, but I didn't know about this tradition until we moved to RI. The upstate NY Italians aren't into zeppole. I don't remember acknowledging St. Joseph's Day, either. We decided to start celebrating early and bought 3 for the 6 of us. So yummy!

Now we're all caught up. I'm off to do some sewing, probably on Bears in the Farmhouse, so I can meet the next deadline.