I love this piece, but I don't know if I'll applique anything that small again. A Tisket, A Tasket blocks will be a piece of cake now. And to think I was considering fusing them!
Right after I finished, we left for Drumline Live. If you didn't click on the link yet, be prepared for the music to start when you do. If you were ever in a marching band or your kids are now or if you enjoy halftime more than the game, you must see this show! We loved it! It was high energy brass, percussion and dancers. Absolutely incredible, multitalented young people. The only female musician (trumpet) also sang like Aretha Franklin. At the end of the show, the band marches off stage and into the lobby, where they continued to play for a while. Then they signed autographs and thanked the audience for coming. Julia was looking for Aretha, since she, too plays trunpet and sings. We missed her somehow, so we talked to another trumpet player. Pete got autographs from the drummers and bought a pair of souvenir drum sticks. On the way to the car, we saw a couple of musicians walking to the hotel across the street. Julia said- there she is! She ran across the street, in the snow, to talk to Aretha. Our night was complete!
We were lucky to make it home safely. It had started to snow during the performance, so there was just that icy dusting covering the roads. Bill is an excellent driver, but it was a long, harrowing trip. We passed a couple of fresh accident scenes on the highway. Lots of cars were pulled over to help, but no emergency vehicles yet. We prayed that everyone would be OK.
So here we are, with snow again, and the kids are home for a snow day. My goldfinch will be a reminder that spring will come- eventually!
Love your applique. I've never tried it, but it's on my list!! Your new quilt looks great in your header too.
I love the goldfinch you did a terrific job. You are getting hammered with snow just like us, it is still coming down. By the way, your new banner is great!
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