
Monday, June 29, 2015

Jekyll and Hyde

This is my take on a One Block Wonder. I know I own the book by Maxine Rosenthal, but when it came time to cut my fabric, I couldn't find the book. I had to wing it, and I think my hexagons are a little bigger than others I've seen. The geranium print is so obnoxious, and I love it!

The backing is a sweet, soft print by Kate Spain. I was so enthralled by the texture created by the quilting that I was laying on the floor petting it!

The geranium print is by Phillip Jacobs. I bought it on clearance with this quilt in mind. Here it is before cutting.

I used a chrysanthemum quilting design, starting at the center of each hexagon, working my way out. I didn't want to travel to the center of the next hexagon, so I started and stopped stitching with each one. It was a lot of threads to bury, but that's the price you pay when the design in your head has to come out!

I tried and tried to find a fabric that would work as a binding on the front and the back, but nothing in my stash worked. It was time to break out the two-sided binding again. I used it on my selvage spiderweb 2 years ago. It looks tricky, but the tutorial on The Pattern Basket website makes it quite easy. The two color binding amplifies the hot/cold nature of the quilt.

This is one of those patterns that you could move blocks around forever and never feel like you've got it quite right.  It's done now, so no more rearranging!

Jekyll and Hyde One Block Wonder
56" X 62"
Cut & Pieced: January 2015
Completed: 6/26/15


  1. So very lovely. I might be swayed to make a hexie quilt if I ever find a print this glorious to cut up. One block wonders are fascinating yet intimidating!

  2. Wow, this is so pretty, Tina! Thanks for the binding link. I didn't know that was possible. I suppose almost anything is if someone puts their mind to it.

  3. This is so pretty. I love Phillip Jacobs fabrics anyway and what you've done with it is amazing

  4. That is a great quilt! Wow I just love it. :)

  5. I love all of your quilts . . . I could use a little quilting mojo myself, LOL. Your Quilt of Valor is gorgeous:)
