
Monday, June 29, 2015

Jekyll and Hyde

This is my take on a One Block Wonder. I know I own the book by Maxine Rosenthal, but when it came time to cut my fabric, I couldn't find the book. I had to wing it, and I think my hexagons are a little bigger than others I've seen. The geranium print is so obnoxious, and I love it!

The backing is a sweet, soft print by Kate Spain. I was so enthralled by the texture created by the quilting that I was laying on the floor petting it!

The geranium print is by Phillip Jacobs. I bought it on clearance with this quilt in mind. Here it is before cutting.

I used a chrysanthemum quilting design, starting at the center of each hexagon, working my way out. I didn't want to travel to the center of the next hexagon, so I started and stopped stitching with each one. It was a lot of threads to bury, but that's the price you pay when the design in your head has to come out!

I tried and tried to find a fabric that would work as a binding on the front and the back, but nothing in my stash worked. It was time to break out the two-sided binding again. I used it on my selvage spiderweb 2 years ago. It looks tricky, but the tutorial on The Pattern Basket website makes it quite easy. The two color binding amplifies the hot/cold nature of the quilt.

This is one of those patterns that you could move blocks around forever and never feel like you've got it quite right.  It's done now, so no more rearranging!

Jekyll and Hyde One Block Wonder
56" X 62"
Cut & Pieced: January 2015
Completed: 6/26/15

Sunday, June 28, 2015

QOV for Leo

How long does it take to make a quilt you aren't working on? Oh, about 7 years! 
This quilt had to ripen for a long time. I guess it was waiting for the right recipient. I started it as a class sample in 2008. The lattice pattern is from a book by Nancy Brennan Daniel called "Slice 'Em and Dice 'Em." It is a variation of a disappearing 9-patch.

A few weeks ago, a friend was cleaning out her sewing room and found her unfinished Quilts of Valor. I suggested that we both try to finish one by July 4th. She finished quilting hers on Friday night and was on the hunt for some binding.

I really enjoyed quilting this one. I wanted stars in the blue squares, and meandered around from one to the next. The inner blue border is quilted with "USA" over and over. 

The backing is a great flag print that I bought on sale at least a year ago.

This QOV will be presented to Leo, a WWII veteran and my coworker's dad. I hope it will bring him some comfort following a recent stroke.

Lattice Quilt of Valor
52" X 68"
Started 2008
Completed 6/24/15

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Gifts for Priests

 I promised you more pictures of the liturgical stole I made a few weeks ago. Our assistant pastor had seen some quilted stoles and asked if I could make one for him. He was celebrating his 5th anniversary and moving to a new assignment, so I was happy to oblige.

He wanted a blue stole to wear for baptisms. I've been excited about gradations of color lately, so I tried it here. This pattern was actually plan B. My first design was too fussy and the colors weren't working. This simple design with 1.5 X 5" cut rectangles came together quickly and I like the effect.

I quilted it with a light cotton batting and variegated thread, but I probably should have used an interfacing instead to keep it lighter. Father Joe gave me one of his stoles to use as a pattern. He likes the way this shape sits on his shoulders.

Yeah, I sewed the label on upside-down. Oops! I fixed it before I wrapped it.

The next event at our church was a 50th anniversary celebration for our pastor emeritus. I had been thinking about embroidering monograms on handkerchiefs for years. I knew I wanted to make something for Father Nick that he could use, and this seemed like the perfect gift. I know he always has a hanky in his pocket. (Yes, Fr. Joe, you need some, too. Christmas is coming!)

I have plans to make a couple more stoles. My cousin is a priest and will celebrate his 25th anniversary next year. And now I have a list of men to embroider handkerchiefs for.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mrs. Chapman's UFO's

 About a month ago, Julia and I picked up a large donation of fabric from Mrs. Chapman. She heard that our guild makes quilts for Habitat for Humanity and she wanted her unused stash to be used for a good cause. Fast forward to last week when some guild friends came over to help me sort through our recent donations and to reassess our previous stash. 

In the middle of all the fabric, we found quite a few (more than a dozen?) unfinished projects. We each took a few that we thought we could finish. The rest will be offered to other guild members at the next meeting. Here are the projects I've been playing with...

There was a small pile of half-hexies that were pieced from a wide striped fabric. Rather than sewing them together into full hexagons, I had fun rearranging and combining them with solids from the stash. It was a good exercise in color and design. I found the perfect narrow stripe for the border in my own stash. This will be a sweet baby quilt someday.

There were just 10 half square triangles made from the same wide stripe. Now there is another placemat in the donation pile for Meals on Wheels.

This animal print top was almost complete. I pieced together the outer border from leftover fabric that looked like swiss cheese! It looked like she had done some fussy cutting for another project. Backing and binding fabric also came out of her stash, so this is waiting to be quilted, too.

My favorite UFO was a small pile of pieced butterflies. There were some spare parts and additional sandy fabric for the background, so it took no time at all to assemble the top. The fern border print came out of my deep stash.

The butterfly wings were cut from mirror images of the print. Isn't that nifty? If anyone knows the source of the pattern, please let me know. I didn't find it with a quick google image search.

I accidentally pieced in one of the butterflies upside down. Oops! 

I had so much fun quilting this little quilt. It took me a while to find a binding. This one is just OK. The backing was also deep stash. 

This one will go to the Adirondacks with us when we visit Julia at the Wild Center. They can hang it in their offices or sell it to raise funds.

Butterfly Wall Hanging
27" X 37"
Started by Mrs. Chapman at least 15 years ago
Completed by me 6/22/15

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

WIP Wednesday

 I only have a few minutes, so I'll quickly report on three finishes this week.

These fabric boxes will be filled with graduation gifts for my friend's daughter and her friends. If you haven't tried making one yet, check out my tutorial here.

I stitched the label onto the graduation quilt today. Here's a peek at the back. Full reveal after it has been gifted.

And the liturgical stole is done, too. This design was actually plan B. More pics soon.

All deadlines have been met, so I can start sewing for fun soon. That's not to say that these projects weren't fun, but you know what I mean.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

WIP Wednesday

 Hello, everyone! I'm still here, just not sewing very much these days. My part-time job is going well. I don't know how people find time to quilt after working full-time. This job thing is really cramping my quilty style!

I needed to buckle down last weekend and make progress on this Stacked Squares graduation quilt for a friend. I picked up a fresh box of safety pins yesterday at my LQS that will be closing soon. (I could cry!) All my old pins are tired up in another basted quilt. It was quicker to buy new pins than to finish that other quilt. Anyway, the batting is in the dryer to relax the folds, then I'll be ready to baste this one.

By the way, by cousin received his blue Stacked Squares. His latest prognosis is quite good and he's hoping to attend a family reunion in August. Thank God!
There's another deadline looming on a project I haven't even started to cut out yet. It's something I've never made before (a liturgical stole), so I'm procrastinating. I'm running out of time, though.

I've been slowly making progress on the scrappy spool blocks. I've been piecing them as leaders and enders

I've completed 27 of the 48 blocks and my mitered corners are improving.

Wednesday will always be a day off for me, so we'll meet here for weekly updates!