
Monday, September 1, 2014

Family Time

 With Pete home for the weekend, we decided to make the most of our one day together before Julia left for her semester abroad. We wanted to go on a hike, so Julia brought us to Norman Bird Sanctuary where she worked this summer. This picture was taken at the top of Hanging Rock, high above Gardiner Pond and Third Beach.

I just can't resist taking a picture of them on the trail every time we hike together. This is my new favorite trail. There's a little bit of scrambling up rocks, but the views are well worth it.

The crazy kids did some rock climbing, too.

We drove Julia to New York on Sunday for her flight to Tanzania via Amsterdam. She had to prove to herself that she could handle all her own bags. JFK's international terminal is the best place for people-watching.

As we were leaving the airport, we got a weather alert about flash flooding. A few minutes later, I was driving through the worst downpour I have ever seen. We could barely see the road as we crawled along at 20mph. There was one giant puddle to drive around that caused some traffic backup. A few miles later, we were crossing the Whitestone Bridge and a rainbow appeared. That's always a good sign!

I got an iMessage from Julia at 2am our time. She was waiting at the gate in Amsterdam and was very excited! I've been tracking her flight all morning and she just touched down in Tanzania a few minutes ago.

Pete heads back to North Carolina tomorrow and our nest will be empty again. It will be a busy Fall for all of us, so before you know it, we'll be together again.


  1. I think, you had an amazing weekend! Wish you all the best for your kids on their new adventures in life!!!
    Greetings, Rike

  2. I have never been there, looks like a nice place to walk.


  3. It's so tough to see them go ... Big hug to you! Glad you all had a wonderful day together!

  4. how good to have had the special time before Julia left on her trip. Good to here she has arrived safe and sound and I am sure she is going to enjoy here time there

  5. I can't believe how much Pete has changed! Looking more like his father every day! Julia is such a Girl Scout! Makes ya proud! Best of luck to them both and you enjoy your empty nest. I would be crying (as a matter of fact I am and Laura is only moving 5 miles away!)

  6. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe autumn and that time flies between now and your next family get together (Christmas?) xx

  7. Such a wonderful family picture. Should be your Christmas card for this year! Can't believe Julia is off on this great adventure. Love it that Pete could come home to see her.
    Our nest is empty too, so I think it's time for a sewing day!
