
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bee Blocks

After driving Pete to the airport this morning at zero dark thirty, and then a quick nap, I worked on some bee blocks. The RI Modern Quilt Guild just started our first bee. For the first month, Suzanne chose these adorable Sunshine Star blocks from 42 Quilts

When I started clicking around the 42 Quilts blog, I was excited to see all 64 blocks that Jennifer designed for her Modern Monday series. I think I might make a bunch of these to replace the Farmer's Wife blocks I'm really not crazy about. I'm such a rebel!

I'm off to an EQ7 class. Have a great day!


  1. Hi Tina!
    This blocks are really beautiful and really shiny! I think, it would be a nice addition to the other blocks. It's (sometimes) good to be a rebell! ;)
    Hugs, Rike

  2. good blocks here, must pop over to the link and see what the others are. I am waiting for the farmers wife book to drop through my letter box maybe tomorrow it will arrive
