
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sew Every Day 12

 I finished piecing together this much of Star Crazy Plan B last night. It currently measures 36 x 52". It will need borders to make it useful. I only have enough of the background left to add a small border. Since I chopped up my entire batik stash during my arrowhead obsession, I'll need to purchase something special for the outer border. The LQS in my town has the best selection of batiks, so I'll be headed there soon.

The stained glass effect always looks cool.

Ninigret Quilters completed our 3-month nine patch swap this week. Here are the 48 blocks I collected. I think I've decided on Camille's Niner pattern for the layout.

Let's zoom out for a reality check. The design board is leaning up against the fireplace. I'm in no hurry to take down the garland I made for Pete's party. I don't mind finding the ukulele left lying around, but do I really need a machete and a tomahawk on the hearth? I suppose the hearth is a better place than the couch!

Have a happy, quilty weekend!


  1. Good luck finding the batik!! Every picture has me more in love with this quilt!

  2. 12 Days done! Nearly halfway there! I Love the star quilt! I'm jealous if you have a great LQS with batiks! One of quilt store who had the best batiks, decided to stop carrying them! :( On the bright side, the other store does have them...just not the greatest selection.

  3. Your 9-patch came out great! I fell apart on my sew every day plan since I have a visitor from the Fresh Air Fund. I'll make for it when he's gone....
