
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WIP Wednesday

This week, all I have is a little bit of this and that. It's better than nothing, I suppose.

Finish: The only finish this week was a Boy Scout pillowcase for a new Eagle Scout. It has become a tradition for me to make one for each new Eagle in Pete's troop. I'll continue until I run out of fabric!

Before I put away the stash of BSA prints, I prepared some kits. The next time The next 4 times I need one, the fabric selection and cutting is already done!

Swaps: Sixteen 9-patches are ready for the next round of Ninnie Nines. A whole week early!

Last round, I pressed the last 2 seams open. This time, they wanted to whirl.

Bright hopes blocks are ready to be mailed to Jana for the Modern Stash Bee. She liked my little Low Volume Bright Hopes, and asked us to make 12" blocks. It should be a cool quilt.

 In Progress: Julia is making progress on Fred's quilt. Eight blocks done, 56 to go!

This is how she left things when she went to the beach. Machine turned on, pieces waiting to be sewn. Her college roommate came down to visit for the day, and the beach was calling!

Have a great day and visit the other fun WIP links.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

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