
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Red IS a Neutral

Blogiversary post 2 of 10

In the Fall of 2016, Barb Vedder hosted a block swap: broken dishes blocks made with solids- any red plus one other color. 

I chose to use a pale yellow and pale blue for my blocks.

Barb mixed them up and returned an assorted pile of blocks to us.

I pieced my top on November 1, 2016 and started quilting on the 3rd.

I had just taken a Craftsy class with Christina Camelli, so I had a blast quilting in red thread. It is the neutral in this quilt, after all!

Do you see the star shaped area below with less quilting? That was a design choice that quilt judges don't like. I did it anyway!

The binding was stitched on November 5th!

The purple binding was the best choice and it looks good with the Jane Sassaman print on the back.

 Freddy Moran says every color looks better next to red!

Red IS a Neutral
32" X 32"
Started 9/21/16
Finished 11/5/16

Best Use of Color, Ninigret Quilters 2017


  1. I love how you set the blocks and your quilting is fabulous!

  2. Congratulations! You did it your way, and it's beautiful!

  3. وهذا لحماية وحفظ جميع اغراضك من التلف والخسارة خلال النقل من موضع الي آخر، وهذا لأنها تتضمن علي افضل عماله في مختلف الساحات المرتبطة بالخدمات المنزلية بنقل الأثاث، والتي تتضمن (الفك والتركيب والتغليف والتعبئة والتنظيف والنقل) بقرب الخبرة الفائقة في مثل الميدان، وهي تمتاز ايضا في تقديم خدماتها بالمصداقية والالتزام والسرعة، وايضاً تمتاز بالأمانة الكاملة في تعاملاتها مع الزبائن، والسمعة الطيبة أيضاً.

    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى ابها
    شركه نقل اثاث من الرياض الى ابها
    شركه نقل عفش
