
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jeweled Wildflowers

 I'm excited to have completed a challenge piece in time for tonight's guild meeting! Narragansett Bay Quilters issued a fabric challenge way back last year in preparation for our show in April. I purchased 1/2 yard of the selected Kaffe Fasset print and it sat untouched for months.

Finally in January, I searched my Pinterest boards for inspiration and found Rebecca Bryan's pattern for English Paper Pieced Wildflowers. Perfect! I wanted a portable project that I could work on during breaks at work.

After piecing a test block, I cut out all the parts. I didn't have enough of the white background print, so the gold became a built-in border.

I sort of fussy cut the challenge fabric, so I was left with odd bits leftover. And a generous selvedge strip!

This is what happens when you're not paying attention. Oops!

I pieced a block or two on retreat. I have to take my glasses off so I can clearly see the tiny stitches. Wonder clips work great for holding the pieces together.

I pieced a whole flower while waiting for an oil change. #EPPeverywhere!

When I posted this picture to a Facebook group, I noticed a fabric placement error in the top left corner flower. It's only an error in my mind, so I left it.

I quilted in a variety of threads that matched the fabrics.

The fabric on the back is a Philip Jacobs delphinium print that I love.

I use transparencies and dry erase markers to play with quilting designs. Many thanks to my friend Pat Harrison for giving me a small supply of transparencies!

You can see better on a white background. If I don't like something, I can easily erase it and try again.

 I'm ready for tonight!

Jeweled Wildflowers
22" X 22"
Pattern by Rebecca Bryan
NBQA challenge fabric
Started January 26, 2016
Completed February 13, 2016

Narragansett Bay Quilters Association, April 2016
3rd Place Exemplary Piecing


  1. That is a beautiful quilt, the yellow makes it look like the piece is floating, maybe since you have it on a yellow wall;)


  2. It's gorgeous. What a great design to showcase the KF fabric!

  3. wonderful this is a delight there will be lots of oohs and aughs when you share this. Quilting looks fab too and the backing fabric is lovely
