
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Scrappy Saturday

I'm not done playing with scraps! I will be taking a workshop in April for a spool quilt. The supply list calls for (48) 4.5" squares for the "thread" on the spools. Why use a plain square when you can string piece one?!

Here's a peek at my workstation at the kitchen table.

I have been piecing on the Featherweight almost exclusively. She's so cute and purrs like a kitten! I like to use painter's masking paper from the hardware store for string piecing foundations. This roll is about 9" wide, so it is easy to cut 4.5" squares. 

 I'm still using the Wild & Goosey units as leaders/enders. It's a good plan, but I do need to pay attention to my warm/cool color plan, or there will be ripping. The top 2 units are correct; the bottom 2 are not. (The cool geese are supposed to have warm side triangles and vice versa.)

That's better!

I've always wanted one of these tray table ironing boards. I finally picked up a $9 table at Walmart a few days ago. I already had some Insul-brite batting. This Amy Butler print is so pretty and looks perfect in the kitchen. Sometimes, a 15 minute project can make me so happy!

 These strip blocks stitch up so quickly. I was able to complete all 48 on Valentine's Day. I had to make one spool of rainbow variegated thread!

Now I need to clean up this mess! I'll cut down the bigger pieces into useful sizes before stuffing the rest back into the giant tote bag it came out of. That should keep me busy through another snow day.

Linking up to Scrap-A-Palooza!


  1. Such a beautiful blocks.Happy sewing!

  2. You'll have the prettiest thread there.

  3. Very pretty blocks, especially the geese! Those are batik, I guess.
    What is the advantage of the painter's papers besides size? I see a roll and worry that it won't stay flat. (We've been moved in for months now, and the shelf paper is still trying to roll up...even with stuff on it.)
    Love your threads. (Why do you need a class. Sounds, to me, like you could teach it.)

  4. The blocks look beautiful in the different colors.
    Good day to stay in and work on projects.


  5. Gorgeous colourful fun! You are so good to cut the scraps up...I just stuff them back into the bag and back into the cupboard and then complain I have too many scraps! LOL

  6. So many pretty colors! I really like your rainbow spool - that is a great idea. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. All so pretty!!! Those geese blocks are adorable! I love the fact that you are making string blocks for your squares. So fun!!

  8. The spools will be so pretty! A great use of scraps.

  9. Your spool quilt is going to be sooo pretty and bright! Thanks for mentioning where you got your TV tray. I too have been wanting to make one and wasn't sure where to get it! What Dept. was it in?

  10. Nice scrap block and nice set up for work. Visiting from Oh Scrap!
