
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Throw Me a Curve

 I know it's not Throw Back Thursday or Flashback Friday, but I had to share this quilt from 2007. I was scrolling through Facebook this morning and saw a pic of my fabric box in a Mark Lipinksi post! Thanks for the link, Mark!

This got me thinking about the times I met Mark in person. In 2006, I took a mystery class with him called Throw Me a Curve. Thank you, Clamshell Quilters, for welcoming me.

I was that annoying girl in class who wants to be the first one done with each step to get the next clue first. I had all my units done before the end of the day, and Mark crawled around on the floor with me to lay them out. 

The blue and yellow top was fine, but a little flat. The 2000 print added a little sparkle. I added some (too many?) red hearts, covered some buttons, and quilted with red thread.

The arrow is pointing to a quilted baseball - a little nod to the class title.

 Oh, my! Look at my little baseball player with long hair! Whenever he pitched, he would take his hat off to flip his hair out of his eyes. After almost every pitch. So funny! Who would have guessed he'd grow up to be Marine?

 Julia and I got to see Mark again in 2008 at Quilters by the Sea. He asked if his PG-13 lecture would be OK with Julia in the audience! I believe in embarrassing my children equally, so here's my awkward middle school girl with braces! Who would have guessed she'd be in Tanzania now?

Throw Me a Curve
Started September 2006
Finished February 2007
60" square
Mark Lipinksi mystery class


  1. Hello Tina,
    Time goes by really fast. What a difference between this pictures and today. :-)
    Greetings, Rike

  2. Who would have thought! I looked at the calendar this morning and saw my granddaughter's name there and the # 21. Last year when she turned 20 things were so different. Now she's a married lady. Things sure do change.
    Nice quilt, fun story.

  3. As a" Alice in Wonderland". Beautiful.
