
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

WIP Wednesday - Farmer's Wife Progress

Progress is being made, but no finishes to report this week.

This batch of Farmer's Wife blocks was really fun (no baskets). I was supposed to be using these blocks when I needed a break from piecing wedding ring arcs, but I got carried away and pieced 12 in one day (and no arcs).

I like how the directional prints played so nicely on the Hovering blocks. Jackknife is one of my favorite blocks so far.
 49-Honeycomb, 50-Honey's Choice, 51-Hovering Birds
52-Hovering Hawks, 53-Jackknife, 54-Kitchen Woodbox

I decided to make the leaf red because the red maple is Rhode Island's state tree. I threw in a little fussy cutting on Morning and Mother's Dream. 
55- Linoleun, 56-Maple Leaf, 57- Morning
59-Night & Day, 58-Mother's Dream,  60-Noon & Light

To recap, here are all of my blocks. I don't have a design wall big enough for all of them, so I had to create a mosaic. They are arranged in numerical order, but I will probably move them all around in the final layout.

Here's another view of all 60 blocks.

Today, I'll need to piece twice as many arcs to reach my goal for the week. There was an anonymous message regarding the orange stars. They were the groom's choice, which I fully support!

Enjoy the day!


  1. Gorgeous sampler! Looking forward to seeing it all finished.

  2. It is so, so, so, so...BEAUTIFUL. What an incredible, wonderful quilt this is going to be! I am drooling. Absolutely drooling. WOW!!!

  3. I like sampler quilts! Yours looks wonderful. And great colors in the arcs and points in your other project.

  4. Wow! This will be an amazing quilt!
    And I think, the double wedding ring will be really beautiful, too!
    Greetings, Rike

  5. Your Farmer's Wife is looking amazing. Mine is sewn together and sitting in a basket because I have not decided what borders to use. Thanks for inspiring me to get it out and look at again. Visiting from Let's Bee Social.

  6. Your Farmers Wife looks so fantastic. And your double wedding ring will be fantastic too.

  7. I hadn't realised you'd made so many FW blocks - it's lovely to see them all together!

  8. Your FW blocks look amazing. I love the orange with the blues for the arcs too.

  9. Man! All of those blocks look awesome together. This may the the first farmer's wife I actually like. :)

    The orange is perfect! Smart man indeed. :)
