
Monday, May 5, 2014

More Bibs for Mollie

 Remember this bandana drool bib I made last week for my grand-niece Mollie?

I made 11 more!

I had no plans for these 10" strips of minky leftover from receiving blankets, so I was happy to use it for the bibs.

I pulled a bunch of cute coordinating flannel and quilting cottons from stash and got to work.

I followed this tutorial by Jacq at Begin with B, and I have a couple of tips for you.

1. Prewash everything! Cottons will shrink, but minky doesn't. If you don't prewash, when the bibs are washed after use, they will shrink up funny and never be flat again.

2. I cut the cotton/flannel to size according to the pattern in the tutorial, then laid the pieces right sides together on a large piece of minky. 

3. I stitched them down using a walking foot to try to tame the stretchy minky. Then I cut them apart.

The messy piles of fabric are now this neat pile of bibs!

As proof that Spring has arrived, our Baltimore Oriole is back in town!

Have a great week!


  1. Great way to use up that Minky! Love your oriole. Haven't seen any yet in our neck of the woods. Soon, I imagine.

  2. What a nice idea to use your scraps. The kids will love them - or are all for your grand-niece?
    Greetings, Rike

  3. plenty of drooling can be done with all these bibs, what a lovely idea far nicer than bought ones
