
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Star Crazy

 Star Crazy (Plan B) is complete. It started in January 2010 with the Star Crazy Block of the Month at the Quilt Show. I kept up for three whole months! Then I decided to get organized and put all the parts and instructions in a binder on the shelf and forgot all about it. In late June, I found the binder when I was looking for something else, and back on the WIP pile it went.

At about the same time, we were invited to the wedding of one of Bill's coworkers. After a little redesigning to use what I had (Plan B), it didn't take long to complete the top. After buying the border and backing fabric, I had to set it aside for some reason (cleaned off the dining room table for company?) and forgot about it again!

Last Tuesday, I realized that August and the wedding were just days away and panic set in. Borders were added, backing was pieced, and layers were basted. 

Thursday was quilting day. It was fun, but boy, are my arms sore. I added the binding Thursday night and buried threads while watching Hollywood Game Night (our new favorite show). Instead of adding a label, I wrote directly on the back of the quilt. It's OK but not great.

Dave and Kimberly and their new family were radiant! (They are all lighting a candle together, get it?) We wish them a lifetime of happiness!

I hope they enjoy snuggling under this little quilt.

Star Crazy (Plan B)
Started: January 2010
Completed: August 2013
52" X 62"


  1. Dave and Kimberly and their new family were radiant! Ha, ha! Your quilt is radiant, Tina! Great finish.... Finally.

  2. This quilt caught my eye the first time it surfaced from your notebook on the shelf. I still love it! Great job! Give your arms a rest before tackling more of Pete's quilt.

  3. Love this quilt. Love the blue and green borders. And the splash of orange really pops.
    Well Done!!!
