
Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Quiet Saturday

 There's not much going on around here today, but I felt like posting, so here goes nothing.

I started hearing the Baltimore Oriole in the yard this week. Minutes after putting the orange out for him, he flew over for a nibble. He looks a little slimmer than the males we've seen in the past. I wonder if he's a young one.

I finally put labels on the Ninigret Quilters' donations to Project Linus. It was time to move that pile out of my house!

 I was planning to just go into the LQS to drop off the quilts. Then I turned around and saw these! How could I resist? I love how these fabrics look like Malka Dubrawsky's hand-printed work. My LQS owners are at Quilt Market. I can't wait to see what new goodies they bring home!
(In the background, you can see the lilac is in full bloom. That's about as close as I can get to it. Allergies.)

 In family news, Pete submitted his Eagle Scout application to BSA today. Phew! If all goes well, he'll have his board of review in a few weeks, and then we can plan a ceremony.

Enjoy the day!


  1. Great picture of the oriole!
    Where did you drop off the Linus quilts? I've got one I made recently to give to the cause.

  2. I have never seen one around here, he is gorgeous. We spent the day hiking up and down rocky paths, but it was fun, needed a challenge.


  3. I've never seen an oriole before! Thanks for the photo!

  4. Isn't that fun! I try to feed our birds in winter here. I agree about the nail polish by the way. Right now I'm wearing turquoise!

  5. Thanks for the bird picture. Congrats to Pete. I am so impressed by these young men that stick with Scouts through Eagle. A lot of work and dedication.

  6. Mmy Pups like these quilts too!
