
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow Day / Sew Day

 Winter Storm Blizzard Nemo was here! We are very lucky to have electricity and heat. My mom is safe, too. Her building almost never loses power.

I shoveled the path from the front door to the driveway and the men of the house took care of the rest. We ended up with about 18" of snow, which doesn't compare with some areas with well over 2 feet. The worst part was the wind. Heavy wet snow plus wind = downed branches that take out power lines. It could be another day or more before all the power is restored. Did I mention how lucky we are?

What is a quilter to do being snowed in for a few days? I finished the baby quilt top for my niece. It is pinned to this quilt on my kitchen wall and you can see it shadowing through. Baby quilts always look great on this green wall!

When I cut up the jelly roll for these blocks, I was left with one 2.5" square of each strip. I pieced these little 4-patches as leaders/enders while piecing the blocks and quilt top. A few triangles to fill in the sides and I'll have a sweet little Spring table topper.

Today will be sunny and a little warmer. We're praying that our friends will have power restored soon.


  1. We lost power (and HEAT!) Friday night at 9pm. Last night (-10 with wind chills) was tough but we got through it. House was 38 degrees when we got up this morning. THANKFUL for Snoopy's Diner on Rt. 2 - a hot breakfast! We'd had enough after that and are grateful to our friends in Narragansett that had us over for the afternoon. Best part - when we got home at 6:30pm the lights - and HEAT!! are back on. Have lost the contents of fridge and freezer but no lasting damage. Now our children have something to counter our "Blizzard of '78" comments.

  2. Nice to "meet" you through Bonnie's blog, I liked your hst buddy template. I do not mind squaring up, but hey, if you don't have to, that would be a plus!
    I put you in my google reader, read back several posts, and enjoyed your creativity, that is why I'm your latest follower ~
