
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Picture Perfect

 Here it is, Debbie! My Picture Perfect quilt is complete! Well, almost. I still need to add a label to the back. I'll use the Polaroid camera square that Debbie sent us as the center of the label.

I did some fairly simple straight line quilting, following the tilt of each block. I think it works.
 Here are some closeups of my favorite blocks.  If I didn't point it out, you might not have noticed that I made a mistake trimming up the blue seashell block.

For the back, I could have grabbed a yard of something from my stash, but while digging, I found a small pile of 8" novelty squares. I pieced them together too quickly, and flipped some upside down. Oh, well.

Details for posterity:
49 Polaroid blocks
35 swapped
14 kept for myself
Kona medium gray sashing
 28.5" square

Many thanks to Debbie from A Quilter's Table for organizing this fun swap! It really took off and I don't think she was prepared to be sorting and shipping out thousands of blocks!


  1. Oh it's terrific, Tina! Good for you for pulling your blocks all together!

  2. I've never seen this pattern before and I love it~! What a fun way to use charms.

  3. Hello!

    I featured your awesome quilt on my blog:

    Have a great day!
