
Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines and Fabric

 Need a last minute Valentine idea?  Julia found this tutorial for an origami Valentine.

She grabbed a selection of scrapbook paper and some markers and went to town!

So cute and crafty and personal!  Exactly what her friends expect from her.

I ran to JoAnn's last week for some specific supplies and thought I would just swing through the designer fabric section.  I couldn't resist the DS (Denyse Schmidt) prints at 30% off!

They were all mixed in with other fabrics and I completely missed the oranges, so I ordered them online when I got home.  I hope to get back to my tangerine challenge piece as soon as they arrive.

Have a happy week!


  1. yeah, I couldn't resist some Aunt Edna - since I HAVE an Aunt Edna! Love the origami!!

  2. Hi - just gave you a liebster award - scoot down to the bottom of my latest post later today and you will see the details

  3. All fabrics re look so different and beautiful.We make some special for the valentine from this fabrics.
