
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WIP Wednesday

I was on a roll, getting a ton of stuff done in the past few weeks. Well, I'm paying for it now. (See below.)

Mini Ninnie Hexie Star- this little piece will be donated to the Ninigret Quilters silent auction. Hope to meet some of you at the show!

October Block Lotto- Quilter's Choice in blue & cream. Sophie liked my group of blocks, so she made it the thumbnail for this month's link on the Block Lotto home page.

Orange block for Mod Conn - These blocks will be set with squares of teal fabric. I haven't purchased teal fabric since 1994, and now I'm seeing teal everywhere! Did you know it is one of the hot colors for Fall fashions?

In progress:
Mini Zig Zag- this one will eventually be finished as a doll quilt to sell at the holiday fairs.

On Hold:

EVERYTHING! I have tendonitis in my left hand. When we got home from Mod Conn Sunday night, my hand felt a little funny. By the time I went to bed, it hurt a lot! The doctor gave me a splint and told me to rest (no sewing) for 7-10 days! It's a good thing all my quilts for the show were done early. That is so not like me! I'm feeling much better already, but I will continue to rest, as the doctor ordered, for fear of a relapse.

In other news, Julia will learn how to call AAA when she gets home from school today. She had hoped to take the car to school today, but left the lights on when she came home last night, so the battery is dead. Lessons learned.

Off you go now!*

*Our beloved Irish pastor used to dismiss the kids for their Children's Liturgy of the Word with is phrase.


  1. Wow! Your auction quilt is wonderful, I love that star! Hope your hand gets better soon!

  2. Sorry to hear about your hand! Love all your projects!

  3. So sorry to hear about your hand - I can recommend acupuncture, it really works for my tendonitis...

  4. bummer about your hand!! Especially love your orange block!!

  5. Hope it heals/feels better and you can get back to sewing! You have a lot of lovely projects going on. :)
