
Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekend Update

I had a fun quilty weekend! Saturday was judging day for our guild show and I was one of about 8 volunteers. About 45 quilts were judged in a variety of categories. It was fascinating to hear the judge's comments.

On Sunday, Karen, Julia and I drove up to the Mod Conn meeting. You can see lots more pictures in Jackie's post. Here are this month's blue blocks with some apple/lime/honeydew/yellow-green to coordinate. My block is the one on the bottom with the row of geese.

I made an orange block on Saturday night, but didn't have a teal fabric to coordinate with it. I had to buy one at the shop when I got there. I haven't bought teal fabric since 1994!

Heide is an amazing young modern quilter! And she's friends with Kate Spain and Jennifer Paganelli! Too cool.

Jackie showed her amazing top that she made at a Judy Niemeyer retreat in Montana!

In non-quilty, family news...
Julia was in a play called Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. It is a moving piece with first hand accounts of the LA riots. The kids appreciated learning more about this event that took place before they were born. Julia portrayed Rev. Tom Choi, a 6' tall, Asian minister. She was awesome!

Pete's band, Attractive Dan, played at an open mic night and closed out the evening. They played a couple of original songs and Pete did some cool stuff with timpani mallets on the drum set.

I just remembered that I should link up to Sew Modern Monday!

I have another post coming with a mini finish. See you later!


  1. I loved Jackie's post on the meeting - Julia's skirts looked great! Love the flying geese block but I think I've told you that already!

  2. love the block you made in blues. how tiny are the flying geese??

  3. It was nice to meet you at the Mod Conn quilters gathering, and to discover your blog. We arrived late, so I did not see your blue and orange blocks-- they are wonderful!! I love your choice of fabrics and flying geese have always been a fave of mine.
