
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The First of the Lasts

Today is Julia's last first day of school. Yes, she'll be going to college next year, but I won't be there on the first day to take her picture! Bittersweet, to be sure. She is so excited to be a senior!

Here she is on the first day of Kindergarten! Not much has changed, really.

Pete went out this morning with no rain coat, no umbrella. He's too cool for that.

In 1999, I could still get him to use those helpful items. (He started preschool the following week.)

This morning, Julia was thinking that this was the first time it has rained on the first day of school. Funny coincidence that it rained on her first first day of school.

I'm preparing myself mentally for more lasts. Last homecoming, last football game in the band, last concert, last prom. We've always been good at enjoying each stage of life as it comes and then moving on to the next stage. We'll certainly be enjoying Julia's senior year of high school!


  1. Oh, how I remember those days, with great fondness and wistfulness! Enjoy every moment, no regrets!

  2. Sweet post. Gave me goosebumps, and made me remember those days, too.

  3. You and I can commiserate together. Bittersweet for sure.
