
Monday, June 13, 2011

ER Quilts

Julia sprained her ankle playing softball. She rolled it coming into 2nd base. It had rained for a couple of days, so the infield dirt had been compacted and not safe for sliding. She started to limp off the field, so her coaches ran over to support her. Then I saw her knees buckle and down she went! She passed out from the pain, just like her father does. I've seen it happen to him 3 times in the past 21 years and it still freaks me out. This time, he got to see it happen to Julia, so now he knows what happens to him!

So the rescue was called and we got a ride to the ER in an ambulance. The ER was packed, but since she just needed an X-ray, we took the express route. Just two hours later, we were leaving with an ace wrap and crutches.

She wouldn't let me take her picture in the ambulance or in the ER, so I'll show you the ER quilts she was given to prop up her foot. Ladies at the senior center and local churches make these cuddle quilts with two 1 yard cuts of cute fabric, pillow turned and simply quilted. We will wash them and bring them back to the hospital.

Pete still has the Red Sox quilt he was given after his ambulance ride in 5th grade.
OK, kids, you're even. No more ambulance rides, please!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing worse than seeing your child in pain. Tell Julia I hope she feels better soon...she needs to be back in shape to organize her share of the squares lol! Tell her good luck with drum major too!
