
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Postcard Swap

I participated in a postcard swap at Pat Sloan's Quilt Fun Facebook page.
All three of my postcards arrived on the same day! Now that's a good mail day!
Two of them were in nifty clear envelopes. Aren't they awesome?

This one is from Elvia in Mississippi. The colors are so soft and pretty. I wish I had those decorative stitches on my machine. (Maybe I do. It came with a PC disc so I could program different stitches, but until recently, I couldn't use it.)

This one is fromDonna in Texas. Again, pretty colors and a great decorative stitch.

And this one is from Peggy in Alabama. She printed the back of the card on her printer, so she was able to explain the design. She has been a pianist for over 50 years, so the design combines her love of music and quilting! (More decorative stitches! I'm really missing out!)

And these are the three that I sent out. There will be a tutorial coming soon for this paper-pieced zig zag!

Look at the variety of the postage on these! The postal workers clearly don't know how to handle them. I was charged $1.22, as if it was a small package, since it wouldn't go through the machines. But, some post offices are happy to process them as regular mail. Next time, I might ask to speak to the postmaster.

Have you swapped anything? If not, you should give it a try. It's fun!


  1. I really need to learn to make a postcard...maybe I can use you as my Guinea pig. I need a friend that won't laugh at my first one. This way, if I did something terribly wrong, you could ''correct'' me...without laughing.

  2. Beautiful work! I used to trade ATC cards a lot. I made mine out of fabric and embroidery and did them all by hand. I really enjoyed it and loved to see what kind of cards I got back in the mail!

  3. Sweet postcards send and received. How fun!
