
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Biscuit Basket for Janet

Yesterday was my BFF Janet's birthday. Her husband threw her a last minute "surprise" party. It was nice to see her mother and sister and the other family friends are a hoot.

I was working on this Biscuit Basket for her when her husband called to invite us to dinner. The Modas were just yummy to work with! Mill House Inn by Joanna Figueroa, Fig Tree & Co.

I didn't have exactly the right ribbon. After I filled the basket with orange flavored pizzeles, I decided the red ribbon was better. It's not perfect, but better.

Pete has had a busy scouting weekend. Thursday was the troop picnic, another Eagle Court of Honor Friday night, car wash on Saturday and Jamboree meeting tonight. It's all good!


  1. What a wonderful gift! I am sure she loved it!

  2. I love the basket! I had a great evening with you and the crew! Lots of laughs which is always good!
