
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Getaway 2010

We're here!

Jackie and I finally met in person!
She's so talented and fun and I'm happy to have a new quilting friend!

We're both trying to catch up on the Star Crazy block of the month.
We finished the February block and are moving on to March. Jackie, the overachiever, is working on two quilts at once in different fabrics. Both are gorgeous!

I "taught" a workshop this morning of Bonnie's Weed Whacker pattern (with her permission). I hesitate to use the word taught because the pattern is so easy to follow. I printed out some handouts, reviewed my display board in about 10 minutes, and off they went. I've only needed to answer a few questions all day. It's a great pattern to use up a lot of stash while mindlessly stitching and socializing with friends. FUN!!

About half of the 55 quilters in attendance are working on this project.
The assortment of fabric selections is stunning!

I'll show you more tomorrow. For now, did someone say dinner?

Oh, I almost forgot about the giveaway! I'll tell you about that tomorrow, too!


  1. Hi Tina,
    How wonderful that you got to meet Jackie! (I'm envious!)
    And I love the weed wacker pattern. I will be downloading this one for sure. It looks like a great way to use scraps.

  2. Hi Tina, Now we are back to reality!! I had tons of fun and it was just great to meet you and all your friends. Everyone was so nice. You did a fantastic job on the retreat!! I was very happy to get a little more caught up on the Star Crazy BOM and the Weed Whacker was really fun. I would love to finish it up really soon. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Tina,
    I was just over on Jackie's blog telling her I was so mad I missed this. Kelsie did well at the competiton, but it was a very long day. We left at 9 am and didn't get back til after 9 that night. I was hoping to at least pop in for show and tell. Maybe next year. Are we still on for the Machine quilters show?

  4. I've been following Jackie's Star Crazy quilts and it is fun to see yours too. You two are adorable! Love your blog!

  5. Looks like a wonderful place to spend the weekend!
