
Sunday, January 17, 2010

French Braid Weekend

It was a French Braid weekend in more ways than one.

On Friday, I worked with some other Ninnies on the next Ninigret Quilters raffle quilt (for 2011!). Our fearless leader, Ellie, has been mildly obsessed with French Braid quilts for a while, so that is the pattern she chose for the raffle quilt. The fabrics are really lovely. I was happy to be able to complete one of four braids.

Then there were the hairstyle type of braids. When I got home from the raffle quilt sewing, I packed for a camping weekend with my Girl Scouts. On Saturday, they decided they all wanted to braid their hair. Emily is the best french braider in the troop!

We stayed at this beautiful lodge in Newport.

I had to force them to spend some time outside. It was a gorgeous, warm day.

We went ice skating at the outdoor rink in downtown Newport.

The girls had fun skating, but I'd rather watch from now on!

Today is my 1st Blogversary! Time flies when you're having fun, especially with quilters and Girl Scouts. Maybe I'll have a giveaway for you, if I can think of something good.

Tomorrow, I hope to get started on the challenges and block of the month.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful french braids all around. It sounds like you all had a fun weekend. Congrats on one year!!
