
Monday, December 7, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a busy week, but what else is new?!

On Monday, I devised this little number:
A crocheted Advent wreath pin.
I started with a tutorial for a crocheted wreath,
slightly modified (didn't use the plastic ring),
added sequins from my mother-in-law's collection
and a sweet bow.

(It's hard to tell in the photo that one of the sequins is pink.)

On Wednesday, Julia led a Brownie workshop
for the Stitch-It Together Try-It.

On Thursday, we participated in a Las Posadas procession
through our town that ended at a homeless shelter.

On Saturday, Pete and I sold our wares at a local craft show.
(Leftovers will be added to my Etsy shop very soon!)

Pete, the salesman, is demonstrating his marshmallow shooter
to the coolest old lady we've ever met.
Look at her bracelets and that purse!

Also on Saturday, Bill got a new toy!
It is an incredible Martin guitar that sounds a million times better than his old acoustic. He's been lusting after these guitars for a while, and we're so glad that he finally bought one for himself. He's a Happy Daddy!

On Sunday, we attended a holiday concert by
The Air Force Band of Liberty.
What a great show!

On Monday, all I want to do is sleep!


  1. Oh my you've been busy!
    Have a very merry Christmas!

  2. Oh my gosh, the Stitch it Together Try it! Haven't heard that name for a few years. I taught literally hundreds of them at the Austin Children's Museum when I worked there for 7 years. I taught them to sew a straight stitch and make a simple pillow.

  3. What a great week you had! Very busy! I think, correct me if I am wrong, Martin guitars are made just a couple towns over from where I live.
