
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quilt Show Part 1

Here are some of my favorite quilts from the Ninigret Quilters show, Block by Block.

This is Barbara Smith's 4th of July, from a Judy Niemeyer pattern. I teased you yesterday with just a glimpse of this one, hanging next to my Wildflowers. Isn't it great? This pattern is on my list of things to make someday.

Ellie Coffey is slightly addicted to French Braid Quilts from Jane Miller's book. I love how this one glows!

When I was hanging this Trip Around the World by Fran O'Connell, I wanted to just sneak it to my car! I want to roll around in it. Or eat it! All Kaffe Fassett fabrics. (The yummy log cabin variation draped on the chair is Ellie's.)

Rachel's Quilt by Prue Holton has a lot of Kaffes, but they seem toned down by the addition of the blues. The photo doesn't do it justice.

Rose Koretski made this quilt, Star Treatment, from fabrics she received as a gift from friends when she was unable to take the bus trip to Lancaster because she had shingles. It's a beautiful way to showcase a collection of batiks.

I would have posted earlier today, but I was busy with a new project. Here's a hint...

Tutorial coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. I would have to say that the 4th of July is a favorite of mine. After all it is my avatar. I just loved making that one. Judy Niemeyer's patterns are just the best. All the other quilts are wonderful too.
