
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

Who told my babies they could grow up?!

My little first and second graders

have become ninth and tenth graders!
(sorry about the blur. what was i thinking?)

I hope Pete was able to find a map of the high school and he isn't totally lost. They missed the bus this morning. The bus came 15 minutes earlier than the published schedule. Ugh!

For a work-at-home mom, the first day of school is a lot like New Year's Day. Full of hope and resolutions. Judy talked about resolutions and goals today, reminding us that 2009 is not lost, we have 4 months left. I've got some new goals for myself.
  • Return to Flylady. When I follow Flylady's system, my house is cleaner, there are more home-cooked dinners, the chaos is under control and my family feels loved.
  • Sew more. I was so happy in the spring when I was sewing every day.
  • Make connections. I have really enjoyed the swaps that I've participated in this year. I'd like to do more and meet more quilters and crafters. Maybe I'll sponsor my own swap!
  • Make some money. This will be the toughest to accomplish. We have never owned a gaming system (Bill and I thought it best to avoid that temptation), but with Beatles Rock Band coming out next week, Pete and I are chomping at the bit. Bill has approved the purchase, as long as I can pay for it myself. Look for my patterns and kits in the Etsy shop soon!
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - they do grow up fast!! Good luck with the Game system. I bet you all will love it!
