
Friday, August 7, 2009

I Love You, Paul!

Bill and I went to Boston to see Paul McCartney last night. What a spectacular show! He's still a rock god at 67 years old. His voice is still velvety smooth and he can still shred on electric guitar. During the 2 1/2 hour show, he plays electric bass, 2 electric guitars, 2 acoustic guitars, mandolin, ukulele, and piano.

I was too young for Beatlemania in the 60's. (Actually, I wasn't born yet.) Here's my sister's copy of Meet the Beatles. We figure she was about 8 or 9 when she wrote on the album cover.

I love you Paul...
I like you John...
Don't feel bad Ringo

We took advantage of Bill's Hilton points and stayed at the Doubletree in Chinatown for free! Yippee! In all these years, we had never been to this part of the city, so we did a little exploring this morning.

The Bear statue that used to stand in front of FOA Schwartz on Boylston Street now resides at Tufts Medical Center, right next door to the hotel. Somewhere in the archives is a photo of Julia and Pete in front of this statue when they were toddlers.

On the way home, we stopped at the Button Box in Wellesley. It's a great little shop with a really friendly staff.

A terrific 24 hours!


  1. Went to a Red Sox game a few weeks ago and actually saw all the things that you did with the exception of Paul Mc Cartney and the Button Box. I think the Button Box will definitely be a stop for me next time. A friend of mine was at the concert.

  2. So glad you enjoyed - doesn't it just show the talent one has to stay evergreen for all these years!
    Hugs - Lurline♥
