
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Artgirlz Visit Ninnies

Last night, the Argirlz provided the program for the Ninigret Quilters, affectionately known as Ninnies. Allison and Tracy are so cool and fun! That's me in the middle, hoping their style will rub off on me! I'm wearing the pincushion they taught us to make. Visit their website and buy lots of stuff! Julia tagged along, even though it was a school night. She loves the Ninnies! They've known her since she was born. She had a blast sitting next to sisters Patty and Peggy. What is it about sisters who quilt? They are so much fun!

Julia loves handwork. (Her crochet scarf is almost done. Will show you soon!) She had so much fun adding beads to a small wool felt bead, that she didn't stop until she had completely run out of thread. Which is a problem when your thread is doubled and there's nothing left to knot.
What to do? Turn it into a dangle! It is a pincushion after all. We're slipping in our production of Artist Trading Cards. The last couple of months we had 8 participants, but only 5 last night. Come on, Ninnies! Have some fun, make some mini art!
I met my deadline and delivered these basket pins last night. Kate is a fabulous basket maker and teacher. She sells these basket-theme pins at basket shows.
I'm not sure why I'm showing you this. Maybe because I stumbled across a new blog that showcases craft failures. Not every idea works. I threw this together with scraps and thought it could be a table topper. I love the fabrics, but hate the quilting. Hate the sashing. Hate the whole thing. So I pawned it off on an unsuspecting quilter by leaving it on the Ways & Means table at the guild meeting. Maybe she'll think of some fabulous way to fix it and make it into something usebale. A tote bag, perhaps?
How many times did I use the word FUN in this post? I need a thesaurus!

Have a fun day!


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time! I love the idea of a Ways and Means table. Hmmm... I think I might have a few of those craft failures too!
