
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WIP Wednesday

I've been getting a lot done, but not what I should be working on. It's productive procrastination!

Finish: Cactus Flower table runner started in May, finished last week. See the reveal post here.

New: I started playing with fussy cut hexies on a day when I didn't want to move off the couch. Productive laziness? The gray and white one is my favorite so far. I'm not sure if they will get centers or stay as rings. I might add some other sizes (these are 1" sides) and scatter them across a quilt top. We'll have to see how this evolves.

Finished, but not posting until tomorrow: Tangerine and Teal Triangles. The colors in this quilt radiate out from the center, so I quilted my first spiral. It was more fun than I expected.

Family news: My husband and I are enjoying our new phones more than we should. It takes two of us to take a selfie. You can see the reflection of our arms in his sunglasses. (It was hot and windy- please ignore how bad my hair looks.)

Julia is enjoying her summer job as a camp counselor at a nature center. She's teaching her 4-6 year olds about ecosystems this week.

Our Marine in reconnaissance training is our biggest work in progress. Pete is gearing up to head back to Coronado for more swimming, zodiac riding and jumping out of helicopters. OOH RAH!

It's house cleaning day, so I'll be hopping around the WIP Wednesday posts when I need a break.


  1. Ooohhh, I love your table runner!! How will you ever allow food or drink to be on it? Haha.. Maybe you can cover it with plastic.
    Good work on the hexies. Do you know what you'll do with them yet?

  2. What fun hexies! They;d look great on a quilt top, or maybe even just hung in a window? And I can't take a selfie at all, so you're ahead of me!

  3. Lovely table runner with such wonderful quilting!

  4. Love the table runner, Tina, and the swirl quilting. Looking forward to seeing more of the tangerine and teal fabrics! As for your selfie, you look younger in that pic! I had to look twice to see if it was actually Julia! Enjoy your house-cleaning day. Did you say you wanted to come do my house, too? Hmmm? Haha!

  5. Wow! What a productive and creative week! :D
    Greetings, Rike3973

  6. the table runner is very nice, love the design. Fussy cut hexies looks sop good, afraid so far have not fussy cut mine

  7. That Table runner is stunning! How did you get the corners so crisp? Paper piecing? Also, the color selection really makes it pop.
