
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Log Cabin UFO

This is an old UFO. The log cabin blocks were made during a retreat weekend in the mid- to late-1990's. The workshop was actually a Colorado log cabin pattern. I got as far as making the straight log cabin blocks, but never managed to get the Colorado star points pieced. Take a look at this quilt to see what I'm missing.

I played with the blocks for a while before deciding on this setting. I think it looks a little modern. I need to find some fabric for the borders, backing and binding which might require a trip to a local quilt shop's sale later today! Eventually, this quilt will be donated to Quilts of Valor.


  1. The LogCabin looks great. A little bit like big Flying Geese! :)
    Greetings, Rike

  2. I like the arrangement too. A little different. Great colors for Quilts of Valor too!

    Waiting to see what fabric you find.

  3. i love the arrangement you have settlted on! Will you be adding star points or just straight borders? Will be a perfect donation for Quilts of Valor; what a great WIP to finish up!!

  4. like what you've done with the blocks xx

  5. That's a UFO! Good for you - getting it done no matter how long it takes.

    It's lovely and will make a lovely donation!
