
Friday, February 21, 2014

EW- Day 4

It's time to check in and link up with the Library Project Quilt Along. I went a little crazy this week with the Farmer's Wife blocks (aka Engineer's Wife). I got myself in trouble with Sharon because we had decided to make two blocks a week. She made her two and I made 24. Once I started, I couldn't stop!

I only made 3 blocks on Thursday. I started by remaking Corn & Beans with paper piecing. Sooo much better! I thought I was getting pretty good at cutting triangles with the Easy Angle ruler and accurately piecing, but this block just got all screwy.

Urrgh. Mistakes are so hard to pick out when paper piecing with tiny stitches. Paper piecing is my comfort zone, but mistakes still happen.

Blocks 23 and 24.

I'm packing it all up so I can work on something else this weekend. But before I put all the fabric away, I cut out the next 12 blocks. When I come back to it, I can just pull out a bag of pieces and start sewing.

In other news, the second amaryllis finally bloomed.

Chezzetcook Modern Quilts


  1. You sure are moving along on your blocks! Lookin' good!

  2. Wow - you're fast! Paper piecing is not my cup of tea, but your blocks with it look lovely : )

  3. You are a naughty girl... rushing ahead like that. I guess you were enjoying the process. Love the results of paper piecing. (Not the paper pulling though.) Oh, and #24 - what great star. Did you paper piece that one, too?
    Fun, fun, fun.

  4. Looking good, Tina! I do enjoy paper piecing - nice and precise, usually!

  5. Wow you are speedy! My paperpiecing goes an awful lot slower!

  6. Your blocks are amazing! I know what you mean about paperpiecing. Sometimes it is the only way to get what you want.

  7. Holy amazing progress! I love the idea of cutting all of your blocks out in advance so that you can go back and just pick them up. I need to do that for a project that has been sitting for far too long... Anyway - this quilt is going to be lovely! Oh and that Amaryllis? Gorgeous!

  8. wow, good for you, as my son would say "over achiever"

  9. these blocks are coming along at a piecing is a technique I still have to learn but it does make such accurate piecing

  10. You are a definite over achiever!!! And your blocks are beautiful!!!!

  11. I really love your FW blocks. I started these awhile back and would really like to make more. Inspiring!

  12. Good thing there are not speed limits on sewing machines! The blocks are looking good.

  13. Your Farmer's wife blocks are coming along nicely.

  14. Wow! Look at those blocks! Beautiful. Very interesting to see the difference between paper piecing and not!
