
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Perfetly Imperfect Pillows

 Another task crossed off the To Do list!  Two throw pillows are done for Julia's dorm room.

The stenciled J pillow has an envelope back that buttons up.  It was fun matching the fabric design on the overlap.

Julia pulled all the fabric from my stash for the wonky stars.  The camouflage square is a nod to her boyfriend (Army ROTC) and her brother (future Marine).

The wonky stars are a little wonkier than I had hoped for. Two of the block segments were laid out wrong on my design board.  Ugh!  We didn't notice until the pillow was done - pieced, quilted, and stuffed! Can you spot them? The one next to the gray star above is not terribly offensive. The blue one below is bad!  We'll see how many of her new college friends notice.

Inspired by Karen's Tool Time Tuesday posts, Julia and I took a trip to the home improvement super store to purchase supplies for a giant bulletin board.  We can't wait to get started on that project!


  1. They look great, even with the 'design element' ;o)

  2. I LOVE these pillows, and didn't even notice the "extra wonk" until you pointed it out! The colors are fabulous :)
