
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WIP Wednesday

It's Wednesday again, already?
Well, here's the list...

Teeny Weeny PP Bee- I made my first 4 blocks for this new-to-me bee. Love it!
July Block Lotto- 4 pairs of Liberated Checkerboard blocks done.
Kaleidoscope Quilt Along- Triangles sewn, keeping up.

New Project:
Rockin' Robin Quilt Along- Julia (my 17-year old daughter) will be working on this one, but I'll be showing you her progress. Fabric is selected and she's thinking about cutting today.


Nonna's Garden- stalled this week. Need to select a border fabric.

Wedding Ring Star- no progress, but I have a plan! Next week, Julia and Pete will both be at Jazz Camp, so I can sew all day. I might even have Julia take the car so I'll be trapped at home.

Girl Scout Quilt- making appointments with the girls to come sew.

Brownie Heartstrings & Tony's QOV- have been washed, but still need labels. Hearstrings will be delivered next Wednesday. We need to ship Tony's quilt to his wife before he gets home from Afghanistan (soon!).

On Hold Indefinitely:
Mod Bento Swap
Sugar Wave
Super Bowl Twist
Charming Christmas
3 X 3 Swap
T-Shirt Quilts
Bears in the Farmhouse
Habitat Quilts
Red & White Fabric Swap
Polka Dot Fabric Swap
Sister's Christmas Quilt Repair

This Week:
Finishes- 3 (ish)
New starts- 1
In progress- 20


  1. I love the block!and some pretty fabrics!

  2. That block is gorgeous! And I will cheer on your daughter. *cheers*


  3. Love the fabric you dd is using. gorgeous! That top block is really neat! Visiting from WIP.
    ~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva 

  4. Love the fabric you dd is using. gorgeous! That top block is really neat! Visiting from WIP.
    ~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva 

  5. just dropping in from your link-up at Freshly Pieced.

    i really like that block, looks great! and i'm so excited that your daughter is starting a quilt! such a great thing to get into now while she still has access to your sewing gear and prowess. keep it up Julia!

  6. What a great block you have there. It looks wonderful!

  7. oo, love that paperpieced block for your bee - reminds me of a sawblade (sorry if that is a strange thing to say) - but its gorgeous!

  8. Love that paper pieced block! My daughter wants to sew; not sure if she cares if it's quilting or not.

  9. Oh, that teeny weeny block is the cutest! I love it! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  10. Very organized in keeping your WIPs up to date! I love the first block. Was this a free pattern somewhere?
