
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Am I becoming a bag lady?

My WIPs this week seem to be all bags. I'm slightly addicted to slicing up old t-shirts and immediately crocheting the "tarn" into bags. (Tarn = t-shirt yarn. I think Plarn, for plastic yarn, has a nicer ring to it.) I expect to run out of shirts soon, then I can move on to something else!

I wanted this one to be bright, but I ran out of bright yarn. I need to cut more!

I love the more subtle colors in this one and the vintage button.

It is a little wider than the earlier bags, so it is well suited for holding my only knitting project.

When I started thinking about in-progress crocheted bags, I remembered these two made with an assortment of leftover yarns. They are both patiently waiting for lining and handles. I bought the black handles months ago and I have a magnetic closure somewhere in the craft stash.

I was thinking about covering the twill tape with fabric for the straps on this one. Apparently, I was planning to insert a zipper on this one. (It was tucked in the bag.) I am getting more comfortable with inserting zippers, but I'm not sure how to make it work in this bag.

I think these bags have been sitting unfinished for so long because I don't know if anyone would ever want to use them. I'm not sure I would use them. Should I finish them or release them?

Go visit WIP Wednesday for more goodies!


  1. So you're actually making that yarn out of old t-shirts? Wow, what a great re-purposing! I love the rainbow one.

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  2. Ok. You win for most creative and knock your socks off ideas! Tarn...I love it. I need to do this too! I love your bags and you're post is so inspiring to someone who hates to throw things that still can have life in them away!

  3. I love the rainbow bag! It would be cute for summer!

  4. Love your tarn bags! Very clever.

  5. I went through a period of making bags with t-shirts. I sold 3 of them. I still have 2 listed in my etsy store.
    Now I'm in to making the t-shirts in to rugs.

  6. These look great! Reminds me that I've got some crochet projects that need to get done...I kind of forgot about them this winter!

  7. Like the idea of using up old tee shirts. Will have to practice my crocheting stiches. it has been years since I crocheted.

  8. I seen a tutorial for cutting the shirts to make them continuous. is that what you do? I would like to do this for some rugs.The bags are great! I bet they are super sturdy.
