
Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Wow! I haven't posted in weeks!
Here's what we've been up to...

I finally got the top done for Pat Sloan's charm quilt along. Since I used a Christmas charm pack that Jackie gave me, I thought it would be nice to hang it for Christmas! I just folded over the top and pinned it into a "sleeve". I'll quilt it next week!

Julia and Pete are in a new jazz combo and their first gig was a Christmas benefit concert. Julia shocked a lot of people when she put down her trumpet to sing! They were great and we can't wait to hear more!

I wanted some new decorations, so I made two yarn wreaths with felt flowers for my kitchen cabinets.

Julia has inherited the crafty gene! She made a bunch of gifts for friends, including this cool patchwork and fleece scarf.

Love it rolled up!

We used a whole package of Nutter Butter cookies to make these reindeer. Aren't they the cutest? (I should have taken the photo before we packaged them.)

I worked on some gifts, too. This is the pillow that I needed to repair for my nephew. I'm trying to figure out how long ago it was made. Maybe 17 or 18 years!

A couple of candle mats with matching candles.

And lots of baking!
Someday, I will get the tri-colors right. They taste delicious, but they are lumpy. But since the lumps are almond paste, who cares?

I hope you all have a Sweet, Merry and Bright Christmas!


  1. You have been up to quite a bit!! The Christmas wall hanging is great, but those reindeer are a real hoot!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas too!

  2. Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas.Good post for home makers.Keep blogging.

  3. Your quilt is amazing! you'll have to show me how you photograph them so nicely - I can never get good pics of my stuff!

    And I would LOVE the "recipe" for those reindeer cookies! they are so cute :)
