
Friday, August 27, 2010

A case, a pouch and some charms

I received my needle case from my swap partner and it is lovely! The talented Sylvia hand painted a gorgeous rose that she embelished with thread. I will use it for all my portable sewing projects. Thank you, Sylvia!

I'm not afraid of zippers anymore! I used Noodlehead's gathered clutch tutorial, with some added advice from the Flickr swap discussion boards. I will be testing out various zippered bag patterns to show my nephew's fiancee. She asked me to make cosmetics bags for her bridesmaids, so please let me know if you have a favorite small bag pattern.

Pat Sloan started a quilt along today called Lucky Charms. You can find it on her website and on the Old Red Barn Quilt Along Flickr group. Jackie gave me this charm pack the last time we got together and it will be perfect for this little project.

It's going to be a beautiful weekend here, so we'll be at the beach!


  1. Yay!! Can't wait to see how the charms turn out!

  2. Your work is lovely, my dear friend. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Quilting!
