
Thursday, January 21, 2010

UFO Challenge

Yup. I've completely lost my mind. I joined another challenge:
Nancy's UFO Challenge at Patchwork Penguin.
The rules are simple enough. Make a numbered list of 10 UFO's to be completed in 2010. Each month, Nancy will tell us which number to work on. Here's my list:

#2 Disappearing 9-Patch (repro)

#3 Disappearing 9-Patch (red/white/blue)

#4 A Tisket, A Tasket Basket BOM

#5 Bears in the Farmhouse

#8 Candy Cane Photo Quilt
(my design! vinyl pockets for photos)

#9 Vroom 4-patch Spin

#10 Small Stuff
(stenciled piece from 1994!)

Since I'm joining late, I cheated. This month, Nancy selected number 4, so I picked the one I wanted to do first and put it at number 4! I only have 2 days to work on it, and I hope to assemble these three blocks as a long vertical hanging, quilt and bind it.

1 comment:

  1. All of the tops are so neat! I love the disappearing 9 patch. HAPPY QUILTING!
