
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Great Day

Yesterday was a great day to be an American. I couldn't stop watching the TV coverage. I have nothing profound to say, so I'll refer to a comment my brother made recently. Jackie Robinson was not only the first black man to play Major League Baseball, he was one of the best. We hope and pray that President Obama will not only be the first, he'll be a Hall-of-Famer.

OK, back to the quilting and crafting. I thought you might like to see some of the gifts I made for Christmas. Once I started, I couldn't stop! I trimmed about 12 hand towels with a row of patchwork. Unfortunately, I never took a photo. I fell in love with the Black Apple Dolls that everyone was making. Here, Julia is holding a pink one for my niece's daughter, a blue one for my mother, and the cool one with Kaffe Fassett fabric is for Julia.

My BFF Janet gave me some wool yarn scraps to make crocheted flowers, which I felted. I used vintage buttons from my mother's sewing basket for the centers. I "wrapped" them by sewing them into scrapbook paper pouches.
Julia and her boyfriend got into the spirit of handmade gifts, too. She made a double 4-patch lap quilt for him. And he made a wooden jewelry box for her in carpentry class. They are very sweet.

And I have to mention my crafty son. No good photos of them, but Pete raked in the cash at a craft fair with his PVC marshmallow shooters (blowguns). OK, Pete. Now that's enough cowbell!


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